What We Learned Today! 5/15
Everyday we like to reflect on what we learned during the Morning Show. Join us for more wisdom tomorrow morning from 5:30-10!
- If you’re tired of fighting over the armrests on a flight, an Ireland based airline isintroducing a brand new fare that guarantees an aisle or window seat in the first row of the aircraft, with the middle seat left empty for a “roomier and more efficient travel experience.”
- In the opening weekend, Avengers was screened 63,000 times. The theaters made $ 13 million in soda, popcorn, and snack sales alone on the first day and 15 million the second day.
- If you’re catching a ride with Uber or Lyft bring hand sanitizer. When swabbed, the ride-share vehicles had over 6,000,000 colony-forming units per square-inch which is more than a toilet seat.
- LaShawna Pugh was desperately trying to find a kidney donor for son Daniel. She put a note on the back of her car. Starr Gardy decided to donate a kidney after seeing her message in a Walmart parking lot. The surgery was successful and they are both recovering.
- A poll was taken and many people feel they’re successful in their careers when they can fly first class, have their name on their office, or have firing and hiring power. I believe that success is measured by how happy you are and Michael believes he’s successful when he can still get in the door in the morning.