What We Learned Today! 5/10
Everyday we like to reflect on what we learned during the Morning Show. Join us for more wisdom Monday morning from 5:30-10!
1) Kraft is celebrating moms! They will pay $100 in babysitting costs so mom can have some time for herself. The offer is good through May 19th or until the funds run out.
2) Don’t text and grocery shop! People who use their phones for non-shopping purposes were more likely to purchase items they did not need or want.
3) Caring for an infant is tough work, but thanks to research done by Lehigh University, if you’re getting it even half right, you’re doing a great job! That should take some of the pressure off!
4) Don’t tell a 54 year old Maryland man that lightning doesn’t strike twice…he just won his second $50,000 jackpot in less than 3 years. The anonymous winner will spend his latest winnings on home improvements to the house he bought the last time he won.
5) It’s Mother’s Day on Sunday…we’re sending our love, admiration and respect to all the Moms who listen to us. We hope you have a fabulous day and weekend!