What We Learned Today! 5/7
Everyday we like to reflect on what we learned during the Morning Show. Join us for more wisdom tomorrow morning from 5:30-10!
- Dairy Queen is celebrating the arrival of the royal baby by renaming its mini royal blizzard the royal baby blizzard for a limited time. It’s so cute that it makes you feel less guilty when you indulge.
- 1/5 of the population is grossed out by the word ‘moist.’ There’s even a facebook group of 20,000 people dedicated to the hatred of the word.
- It’s officially white wine season and wine makers are trying to convince Unicode to create a white wine emoji.
- Avocado lovers! Be careful when cutting because ‘avocado hand’ is a thing. It occurs when the knife you’re using slips through the soft part of the fruit and into your hand.
- A Pennsylvania barber shop is paying kids 3$ to read aloud while getting a haircut to help build their confidence and give them experience with public speaking!