What We Learned Today! 4/25
Everyday we like to reflect on what we learned during the Morning Show. Join us for more wisdom tomorrow morning from 5:30-10!
- 4 in 10 Americans admit to food thievery! The most common food thieves are partners, family members, and co-workers.
- Studies show that swearing can dull pain by up to 50%. If you curse too much when you’re not in pain, it takes meaning out of the words and it may not be as effective.
- Platform Sandals are back in style! Doctors warn against wearing the four inch high shoes. The soles can mess up your gait and stability leaving you prone to injury. They are really cute though.
- Avengers: End Game hits theaters today. It’s expected to make close to one billion dollars worldwide this weekend! Over a dozen movie theaters will be open for 96 hours straight.
- Everett Theater in Middletown is celebrating the 30th anniversary of “Dead Poets Society” with screenings of the Oscar Winning Film. If you’ve been in Wilmington long enough, chances are you or someone you know was in the film.