What We Learned Today! 4/24
Everyday we like to reflect on what we learned during the Morning Show. Join us for more wisdom tomorrow morning from 5:30-10!
- The kissing bug made its way to Delaware! It bit a child’s face in Kent County last year, and the CDC confirmed it was the kissing bug. The bite of this bug could cause the deadly Chagas disease.
- Phone scams are making more money than ever before. Americans have lost about 10.5 billion dollars in the last 12 months. The easiest target is millennial men.
- Stuffed puffs hit store shelves this Sunday! The chocolate filled marshmallows will be essential for smore’s at your bonfires this summer.
- Women under report the prevalence and intensity of their snoring because of the social stigma associated with snoring women. This could contribute to the under diagnosis of sleep apnea among women.
- It’s Administrative Professionals Day. Admins save CEO’S, Managers, and directors an average of 14 hours of work each week. Don’t forget to thank the admins at work today!