What We Learned Today! 4/18
Everyday we like to reflect on what we learned during the Morning Show. Join us for more wisdom tomorrow morning from 5:30-10!
- BREAKING FOOD NEWS: vlasic will release pickle chips made from actual pickles, Costco brought back its 4 pound carrot and walnut cake, and Kit-Kat is releasing dark chocolate with mint bars.
- com says that most people are pretty truthful when it comes to their resume, but millennials are twice as likely to lie! They’ve lied about dates of employment, job titles, references, and even college education.
- If you’ve ever lost photos or data from a broken iphone, there may be hope for you! There’s a service called ipad recovery that says 95% of water damaged phones can be recovered. They will charge you $300, but only if they are successful.
- One person really can make a difference! 14 years ago, Chef Bruno Serato cooked a meal for a hungry first grader. He founded a nonprofit called Caterina’s Club, with the goal to feed as many hungry kids as possible. Just last week, he served his 3 millionth meal.
- James Holzhaur set another new record on jeopardy last night. He had a perfect game that scored him $131,127, bringing his 10 day winning streak to almost $700,000.