What We Learned Today! 2/19
Everyday we like to reflect on what we learned during the Morning Show. Join us for more wisdom tomorrow morning from 5:30-9 !
- Shamrock shakes are back at McDonalds for a limited time!! They say while supplies last but we’ve never seen them run out.
- Spending time with friends and loved ones releases the feel good chemical in your brain, oxytocin- so make plans to see them!
- If your caffeine jolt is diet soda, think twice about that. Just because it’s diet, doesn’t mean it’s good for you! Diet soda can increase your risk for heart disease and diabetes.
- Feeling a little depressed? Try taking a bath twice a week in the afternoon. That will raise your body temperature and boost your mood!
- Payless is closing all of its stores and discontinuing all online sales! Keep an eye out for liquidation sales and make sure you use all of your gift cards before doors close for good in May!