What We Learned Today! 12/21
Every morning we like to reflect on what we learned during the morning show. Thank you for making 2018 an incredible year. We wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! We will return on January 2nd 2019, so join us from 5:30-9 for more wisdom!
- Bakers are complaining because the tips are mysteriously missing from Hershey Kisses around the country! No peanut butter cookie is complete without a pointy Hershey kiss.
- The CDC says do not wash poultry! It can spread bacteria and cross contaminate the rest of your Christmas dinner. The best way to kill bacteria is to make sure your bird reaches 165 degrees inside.
- McCauley Culkin recreated some scenes as Kevin McCalister from Home Alone for a smart device commercial and it’s guaranteed to provoke some fond memories.
- Some of the worst Christmas candies include non-peppermint candy canes, peeps, and reindeer corn. Stick with cookies.
- One mom, whose husband is a first responder, wrote a letter from Santa for kids who have parents who work Christmas day to let them know that there are many special children celebrating Christmas on another day. As you enjoy the holiday with your family, remember those who are working on Christmas for our safety and benefit.