What We Learned Today! 12/19
Everyday we like to reflect on what we learned during the Morning Show. Join us for more wisdom tomorrow morning from 5:30-9 !
- There’s an app called ‘Say Bark!’ where you can create animated Christmas cards featuring your dog! And now I wish I didn’t spend hours addressing real cards last night.
- If you’re traveling through the Philadelphia airport and you’re feeling a little stressed out, stop by pop-eyes. They have an emotional support animal for you- chicken strips in a chicken shaped box.
- A pub in England has cooked up a 31 pound Christmas meal that has 16,500 calories. Anyone who manages to eat the entire meal will get the meal for free. (Hospital bill not included)
- A woman googled the price of her secret Santa gift and when she learned that it was below the $50 dollar price limit, she demanded something else from her gift giver.
- According to a survey, modern Santa would have tats, wear skinny jeans and sneakers and have a trimmed beard. I don’t want to see Santa in skinny jeans.