5 Ways To Raise Money For Breast Cancer Charities At Work
While your co-workers may drive you crazy with their “reply all” abuse and the things they heat up in the communal microwave (seriously, reheating fish at 11:30 am? Come ON) you can all work together to do some good when it comes to raising funds for breast cancer charities. Here are some ways to get creative as you put together a fundraiser:
Host a bake sale
You know there’s always a stampede when your co-workers hear there are treats in the cafeteria, so why not host a bake sale? Everyone can bring in a treat, then pay a small fee to take something tasty home with them. No shame if Betty Crocker helped make it!
Host a car wash
If you’ve got a big parking lot, put together a car wash. Make it clear that any money you raise will go directly to the charity. You know that guy driving the SUV with “wash me” written in dust on the back will appreciate your efforts.
Put on a potluck
Rather than bringing a lame sandwich to work, host a potluck lunch. Everyone brings a dish, and you pay to attend. Donate the proceeds to charity.

Photo By Cabeca de Marmore/Shutterstock
Do a pink hair challenge
This requires a bit of an adventurous side of the part of your co-workers. Everyone in the office competes to raise money for a breast cancer charity of their choice. The person who raises the most at the end gets to pick someone else in the office who must dye their hair (or beard or mustache) pink.
Put together a team for a run or walk-a-thon
There’s probably one happening in your area, so seek out the next event, and then encourage your co-workers to participate with you.
It’s easy to enjoy some company-wide bonding as you raise money for a worthy breast cancer charity. Regardless of what kinds of activities appeal to your co-workers, you can put together an event that’s fun and helps to support breast cancer awareness and research.
Lauren Levine is a freelance writer who has contributed to publications and websites including The Charlotte Observer, U.S. News & World Report, American Way magazine, The Huffington Post, Hello Giggles, Bustle, Thrillist, Thought Catalog, and others.